Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Aperture, Shutter speed, ISO


1. The opening of the lens
2. The smaller the aperture the bigger the opening, the bigger the aperture the smaller the opening
3. Aperture Affects depth of field,and your focus 
4.  3.5-36 

Shutter Speed

Day time
a) Dunking contest-1600
b) Food eating contest -800
c) Rock climbing - 400
d) Booth - 600
e) Dj - 600
f) Diamonds performance - 1600

  Night time
a) Dunking contest -1200
b) Food eating contest - 400
c) Rock climbing - 200
d) Booth - 400
e) Dj - 400
f) Diamonds performance -1200

  • Aperture Priority - you put the aperture and the camera automatically adjusts the shutter speed
  • Shutter Priority - you put the shutter speed and the camera automatically adjusts the aperture
  • Manual - you have to set both aperture and shutter speed



1. the pictures will come out less blury 

2. having lower iso will make it come out more clear

3. having higher iso will make it come out less clear 

4. 100-6400 iso

200 iso

3200 iso

Camera Slim

F4 - best with 1/125th of a second.
The background is blurred out, but is more in focus. Still cant tell what the background is.

F5.6 - best with 1/60th of a second.
The background is still blury  but coming into focus, you can see shapes and colors.

F8 - best with 1/60th of a second.
The background became a little darker, but is still blurred. 

F11 - best with 1/60th of a second.
You can now see what the background is, which are buildings. Their is just a little blur.

F16 - best with 1/30th of a second.
The background barely has any blur. 

F22  - best with1/15th of a second.
Now the background is more focused, the two people are a little blurry.

Slower shutter speeds means the  subject will start to blur out. the photographer can use a higher shutter speed. i think the lowest shutter speed a camera man would use is 1/125th of a second or 1/100th of a second.

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