Tuesday, September 18, 2012

40 Greatest Photos Taken

 I choose this photo because it shows a kid taking the flag at his fathers funeral after being killed in iraq on a mission he volunteered for right before his term was served. This photo caught my attention because it captures all the emotion and then angel and lighting are beautiful, i think this picture made the 40 most powerful photos taken because its an emotional picture.

I choose this photo ecause theres a couple in the middle of the street making out after the women was caught in middle of the riot and was knocked to the floor. This photo caught my attention because although someone is in infront of the picture its still focused on the couple, I think this picture made the 40 most powerful photos because this shows even during violence love can be more powerful then anything.

I choose this photo because a child gave a police officer a heart shaped balloon during a riot trying to make peace. this photo caught my attention because it has to pictures to explain what happened, i think this picture made the 40 most powerful photos taken because it has a powerful message.

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